Hundreds of candidates from our institute have successfully cracked the exam and have pursued their dream job. We have 100% results till date. The institution provides extra classes for the weaker students. We have the best facilities of Online & Offline exams which will be helpful to the candidate to get well prepared before the exams.
We provide well equipped computer lab for online exams. Also we had a Library with umpteenth question banks.
A committed management and dedicated faculty strives their best to impart professional competence to their aspiring talents. This faculties are the backbone of academy which makes success academy the best Bank coaching centre in Kerala.
In RKIB we provide Bank Test Series with Full Length Mock Tests and Online Speed Tests gives you ample practice and equips you with skills required to crack the exam. Each test has been made on the latest IBPS CWE & SBI PO exam pattern spread across
Register NowCivil Services Aptitude Test, a compulsory part of Civil Services Examination, that act as a screening test to Civil Services Main examination Conducted annually by Union Public Service Commission of India. It is also known as Civil Services Preliminary Examination
Coming SoonThe Common Entrance Test (CET) is a competitive exam conducted for the purpose of admission of students to the first year or first semester of full-time courses in medical, dental and engineering courses in professional colleges the various states of India.
Coming SoonStaff Selection Commission - Combined Graduate Level Examination, often referred to as SSC is an examination conducted to recruit staff to various posts in ministries, departments and organisations of the Government of India. It is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for selecting staff for various Group B and Group C posts.
Coming SoonInsurance exams in India are conducted for various posts in the insurance sector. The insurance sector in India has been one of the most significant employment sectors and has managed to gain the maximum benefit over the past two decades.
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